The great white shark

The great white shark lives mostly around the USA. In a recent study, great white sharks from California were shown to migrate to an area between Baja California and Hawaii known as White Shark Café, where they spend at least 100 days of the year before they migrate back to Baja.

This animal is in average 4 meters to 5 meters tall but it's final size is 8 meters and they reach a weight up to 3.5 tonns. Its snaps are up to 18000 Newton and stronger. What i want to say is that if you'll got bitten you'll lose a body part very fast. Like a knife through butter.

The consistence of its food varies from time to time. So they eat invertebrate -, blastocyst animals, teleost fish, cartilage fish and birds.

The white shark takes human with black swimming cloths for seals and tries to eat that. All in all sharks don't dislike humans they either mix that up or they just try to hold the human so they don't want to kill em. It's just curiosity.

California - Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger (aka Governator) 

The Austrian ex-actor (for example “Terminator”) is a member of the republican party. He has been interested in politics for a long time. Schwarzenegger was appointed Chairman of the Presidents council on physical fitness and sports by George H.W. Bush from 1990 to 1993. This was his first job as a politician. He was elected as the Governor of California on October 7, 2003. This is very rare in California and it hasn't happened for a long time because California is generally very liberal. 

His domestic policies are very conservative, for example he supports death penalty, for which he receives a lot of critics from abroad. He's also known for his radical immigration politics. Many politicians, especially Mexicans dislike him for this reason and he is often called a racist. However, even in California he's not totally accepted, mainly because he promised to solve the financial problems and hasn't achieved this goal yet. 
It is very unusual for a republican, but he is very active in the area of environmental protection. He takes environmental protection very seriously and wants to switch from fossil to renewable energy sources to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases and thereby stopping global warming. He has signed a treaty from the UN to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases. This treaty states that by the year 2050 there shall be only 20% of the emission compared to the year 1990.
Personally we approve his environmental policy, but don't support his radical immigration policy.

Going abroad

At the moment many students want to go abroad for one school year. Most of them are going to the U.S.A.
In my opinion it is interesting to discuss this topic.
So the question is whether you think it´s good to go abroad or not.
Many students want to get to know another culture like the motto
" When in Rome, do as the Romans do!" says.
It´s important to learn the spoken language in this country more detailed.
After a year abroad your knowledge in the spoken language there is much better than before because you have to speak this language all the time.
Additionally you learn something for your life. You aren´t at home, you have to adapt yourself to your host family and the new surroundings.
You have to manage many things on your own.
You have to get to know other people and you learn how it is to be without your family and your friends.
But you have to mention also negative arguments.
Going abroad is not something for everybody.
Maybe if you are not good in school you have to repeat a form or you have to catch up
on the stuff you missed in your year abroad.
Usually the schools in other countries have another school system.
Finally not everybody can manage a new living situation. Maybe they miss their family and friends too much or they don´t like their new family.
You have to decide on your own if you like to go abroad and if you are ready for something like that.
I would say that going abroad would be a wonderful experience.

Good arguments, good structure! Don't start a new paragraph after each argument - try to rearrange in paragraphs that make sense.

Flying. Good or bad?

Many people discuss the problem of flying.
There are two different sides of view:
the one part of the people says that it's not good to fly, because if you once fly from Frankfurt to Berlin, you could also drive your car for a whole year, it would be the same pollution.
Flying is really bad for the environment, because it pollutes the air.
Of course there are also good sides in flying, because it's really fast and you can go everywhere you want to in a really short time.
And there are also places where you can't go by car.
I think if people would only fly far distances and not these unnessesairy short ones, it would be okay.
But in flying these short distances, they destroy our world. And we have only one of them.


A bit short!

Homework: Dream job

There are two fields I could imagine to work in. The first is in the field of economy, or economical politics, because I´m interested in school in classes like civics and next year I´ll choose economy as a main subject. I think managing something in a company is a very ambitious and exciting job. Besides you earn a lot of money (but that´s not the most important point when searching for a job) and you are required to do a good job every day, otherwise maybe your company has to fire personnel some day.
The second field I see my future in is a science job. I´ve really got fun at school in classes like chemistry or physics, so if I had the chance to find work as a scientist I would even accept to work abroad. Having a long way to work would be no problem either. What I like about working as a scientist is that you´ve got a project and work every day to complete this in order to find new knowledge about nature or about diseases. Also I think this job would never become boring because you probably do something else every day.( experiments)
All in all I think a combination of these two things would be the best job for me, and the most important requirements for my dreamjob are that it is fun and I having friends at my working place. So my dream job is to work as an industrial engineer, because this covers both of the fields I´d like to work in.

I didn't quite understand what the remark about commuting is supposed to mean. Otherwise interesting thoughts! I mean that I would accept commuting to reach my dreamjob

english homework? To do or not do that's the question!

It's monday evening and I have lots of things to do. One of them is englisch homework. I have to post an essay on a blogg. So I started to think about not doing it. But then I redecided to do it and then again the opposite. I couldn't go up for one of them.
If I did my homework I would make a good impression and this is never useless.
But if I did my homework I would have less time for everything else and this is really bad. I also would use my keyboard up which allready isn't in a well condition.
Not-doing homework is risky. You've got a chance to get Xtra work. But this chance is so low so you could bring home the bacon (to bring home the bacon = es schaffen).
If I didn't do my homework, I would have much more time to do something else like eat hamburger, play computer games
with Tim and so on.
The best thing by not doing homework is you are not exhausted from doing it and you are not bored.

I think I won't post the essay. So I'll spend my time for something else instead.

Hey, I think you need to do your homework most of all because you need the practice! Stick to one tense (beginning). Nice twist in the last sentence.

sleep and school

is it good to sleep? we are sleeping one third of our life, just imagine what we could do, when we would not sleep. we would find a answer for the global warming one third of what? earlier! we could rescue the threadend rainforrest and threatend animals. we would rescue the world if we would not sleep!! but how do we have the time to rescue the world, when we are caught in school? so what i say is, no school and no sleep, so we have time to rescue the world, the rainforest,_animals and many other things!
but how, can we save the world, when we don´t sleep, and don´t go to school? we would be tired and dumb, so that we would never find a solution for our problems. but, like i just said, if we are tired, we wo´nt find a solution, isn´t exactly that what we are in school? we are tired! so, we can´t show all our knowledge, because we are too tired. so what does school gives to us? nothing, because we can´t think clearly! that´s because i say, no school, or not so early!!
greatings to my class!

Lots of typos, my friend! Too tired to look up a word or two?? Funny and witty overall!